

securitytools [复制链接]

The Ubuntu repositories contain several useful tools for maintaining a secure network and network administration. This page attempts to list the most popular and useful of these utilities, a brief description of them, and how to install them.

Wireshark (Previously called Ethereal) - a popular network traffic analyzing tool, that can capture both off the wire and from existing capture files. It features a helpful GUI to ease analysis. Note: The Universe package adds a menu entry that expects the user to have a root account. To use ethereal in Ubuntu, use gksudo in a terminal. You should only run it using sudo if need to capture packets live; root privileges are not required to read saved capture files. For Ubuntu 6.06 and earlier install the ethereal and ethereal-common packages from the Universe Repository.
For Ubuntu 6.10 onwards install install the wireshark and wireshark-common packages from the Universe Repository.
Nessus - a powerful remote network security auditor, with a nice GUI. Nessus supports plugins and offers a usually current attack database. It also features useful scripting abilities, allowing you to automate many tasks. Install the nessus package using your favorite package manager.
Nmap - the standard network mapper. Has a thousand and one uses. To install Nmap install the nmap package.
Etherape - an etherman clone. It displays network activity with an intuitive UI. Install the etherape package from the Universe Repository.
Kismet - a wireless sniffing tool. Includes support for GPS map scanning with in use of the gpsdrive package. Install the kismet package from the Universe Repository.
Chkrootkit - chkrootkit can be used to help determine if a machine has been compromised. While not what you should use for the 'final word' on if you have been compromised, it runs a lot of useful checks and can direct suspicions towards finding a solution. To install chkrootkit install the chkrootkit package.
Rkhunter (Ubuntu 6.06 and above only) - another rootkit detection software. Install the rkhunter package from the Universe Repository.
tiger - Tiger is a package consisting of Bourne Shell scripts, C code and data files which is used for checking for security problems on a UNIX system. It scans system configuration files, file systems, and user configuration files for possible security problems and reports them. Install tiger chkrootkit john.
GnuPG - also known as GPG, is an open source PGP replacement implementing the OpenPGP standard. Lacks support for IDEA, but is incredibly useful. Included by default. GnuPG will allow you to encrypt emails, digitally sign, and integrates well into the Evolution mail client as well as Thunderbird.
Seahorse - a light-weight Gnome frontend for GPG, makes managing keys much easier. Install the seahorse package from the Universe Repository.
Nemesis - a command-line based packet injection utility. Requires a bit of reading the documentation to get full use from. To install nemesis install the nemesis package from the Universe Repository.
Tcpdump - while its name suggests that it works for only TCP, tcpdump also supports UDP, BGP, NFS, and a lot of other packet types. It is a powerful network utility that should be in every admins toolbox, allowing you to pull in everything off the wire. In combination with ethereal it doesn't miss much. To install tcpdump install the tcpdump package.
OpenSSH - OpenSSH almost singlehandedly stopped admins from using telnet, an insecure protocol. The OpenSSH client is installed by default. Generally you want to use SSH instead of telnet or rsh. In some situations, such as large number of clients, you might want to pursue other options, such as telnet with ssl. To install the ssh server install the openssh-server package.
denyhosts (Ubuntu 6.10 and above only) - scans your SSH logs to find brute-force attacks, and then blocks the IPs they came from. To install denyhosts install the denyhosts package.
发表于 2013-6-4 09:05:52

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发表于 2013-6-4 10:01:59

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securitytools [复制链接]

发表于 2013-7-7 15:09:43

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securitytools [复制链接]


Wireshark的(以前叫Ethereal的) - 一种流行的网络流量分析工具,能够同时捕获脱丝,并从现有的捕获文件。它具有一个有用的GUI来缓解分析。注:宇宙包补充说,希望用户拥有一个根帐户的菜单项。用空灵在Ubuntu中,使用gksudo在终端。你应该使用sudo只运行它,如果需要捕获的数据包活; root权限不需要读取保存捕捉文件。对于Ubuntu 6.06及更早版本安装飘渺空灵,常见的包从Universe软件库。
对于Ubuntu 6.10开始安装安装从Universe软件库中的wireshark和Wireshark常见的软件包。
Nessus的 - 一个功能强大的远程网络安全审计师,一个漂亮的图形用户界面。 Nessus的支持插件,并提供了通常的电流攻击数据库。它还具有有用的脚本编写能力,让您自动执行许多任务。使用您喜欢的包管理器安装Nessus的包。
Nmap的 - 标准的网络映射器。有一千零一种用途。要安装Nmap的安装nmap包。
Etherape - 一个etherman克隆。它显示了一个直观的用户界面的网络活动。从Universe软件库安装etherape包。
天命 - 无线嗅探工具。包括GPS地图扫描的支持与使用中的gpsdrive包。从Universe软件库安装天命包。
chkrootkit的 - chkrootkit的可以用来帮助确定如果一台机器已经被入侵。虽然你不应该使用什么,如果你已经被入侵的'一锤定音' ,它运行了很多有用的检查,并可以直接怀疑,争取找到一个解决方案。要安装chkrootkit的安装chkrootkit的包。
Rkhunter ( 6.06及以上) - 另一个rootkit检测软件。从Universe软件库安装rkhunter包。
老虎 - 老虎是一个包,包括的Bourne Shell脚本,它用于检查UNIX系统安全问题的C代码和数据文件。它会扫描系统的配置文件,文件系统和用户配置文件可能出现的安全问题,并报告它们。安装虎chkrootkit的约翰。
GnuPG的 - 也被称为GPG ,是一个开放源码的PGP更换实施的OpenPGP标准。缺乏对IDEA的支持,但非常有用的。在默认情况下包括在内。 GnuPG的将允许您加密的电子邮件,数字签名,并很好地集成到了Evolution邮件客户端以及雷鸟。
海马 - 一个轻量级的侏儒前端的GPG ,使得管理键更加容易。从Universe软件库安装海马包。
克星 - 一个基于命令行的数据包注入程序。需要一点阅读的文档,以获取充分利用从。要安装克星从Universe软件库安装的克星包。
tcpdump的 - 而它的名字所暗示的,它适用于只有TCP , tcpdump的同时支持UDP , BGP ,NFS和很多其他的数据包类型。它是一个功能强大的网络工具应该在每一个管理员工具箱, ,让您在拉都脱丝。与空灵的结合也不会错过太多。要安装tcpdump的安装tcpdump的包。
OpenSSH的 - OpenSSH的几乎单枪匹马从使用telnet ,一个不安全的协议终止管理员。 OpenSSH客户端默认安装。一般要使用代替了telnet或rsh SSH协议。在某些情况下,如大量的客户端,你可能想寻求其他选项,如telnet ,使用SSL。要安装ssh服务器上安装openssh-server软件包。
的denyhosts ( Ubuntu的6.10及以上) - 扫描您的SSH日志以查找蛮力攻击,然后阻止他们来自的IP地址。要安装的denyhosts安装包的denyhosts 。
发表于 2014-3-30 23:00:13

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发表于 2014-4-10 15:20:14

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